5 steps to being free of anxious thoughts

“Don’t dwell on it! Stop ruminating. Why are you so worried?” These are some words of advice that are often given to us when we are anxious. I have a phrase to offer, however, based on the research of how the human brain actually works, that is going to sound different from all of these: WHAT WE RESIST, PERSISTS! In other words, the harder we try to not think about our anxiety or an anxious thought, the more we are going to think about it. This is called the “rebound effect” and creates a cycle where the more suppressing of the anxious thought there is, the more persistent the thought becomes.

Cognitive Defusion is one tool we can use to make anxious thoughts less distressing by externalizing, or creating distance between oneself and one’s thoughts, maybe trying to look for the inaccuracies in the thoughts, which causes us then to relate differently to them. Defusion is different from fusion-when we believe everything we think is true. This is called emotional reasoning and we all are prone to do this some times. However, if we can learn to defuse the anxious thoughts, we will begin to see them as just informational thoughts that may or may not be true.

So, defusion- not believing all thoughts, separation from thoughts; fusion- believing all thoughts, emotional reasoning.

Here are the 5 steps of Cognitive Defusion:

  1. Recognize distressing thoughts when they develop

  2. Name the thought

  3. Identify its impact

  4. Create some space between yourself and the thought

  5. Consider what the thought might mean aside from its literal content

Thinking is an active, ongoing process. Anxious thoughts often are caught up in content and can get stuck. Cognitive Defusion and the tools used with it can help anxious thinkers move forward in their thoughts, let go of the anxious thoughts and find the peace of mind we all desire.

You will find more details on how to apply each of the 5 steps of Cognition Defusion in my September 1st blog!

And remember my favorite thing to say: Action reduces Anxiety! Take some action today!




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