What connections do I already have?

When you come to the place in your life when you realize you need more connection, but you don’t know where to look, start by not looking far.

What relationships do you have that you might be overlooking, or maybe have become less connected with over time for some reason. Have you considered your siblings as a close connection? Have you thought about the fact that the sibling relationship is possibly the longest one you will ever have? It’s not always easy to be the one to make the first move, put out a bid, extend an olive branch, but the results can be amazing! You can be the one to ask if things can be made right or if time has gotten away from you—you can be the one to say, “Hey, it’s been too long!

Old friendships can also be connections worth restoring. Maybe this will take some awkward conversation at first, but it would be well worth it to rekindle that great friendship that you have always held dear and have been missing. Consider this if you are holding onto some old hurt- you can be right, or you can have a friendship. Sometimes the small things really don’t matter.

I was just at a small college get together of a group of people I had spent much time with so many years ago. We didn’t hesitate to throw our arms around each other and hug tightly. We have all had so much of life happen since we were in our 20’s and although we may not even know the details of each other’s lives now, we do “know” each other-really know the person that we are. We are connected by the experiences that hold us together and are so dear to us. For some friendships that is the perfect connection. As two of them and I were leaving we said, the usual, we need to get together again. Then we said, “We REALLY do.”

I think this time, I’m really going to make that happen.

What connections could you renew in your life? I hope you make that happen too!


5 steps to being free of anxious thoughts


How Do I Make Connection?