a safe place blog


Talk Therapy Cindy Reynolds Talk Therapy Cindy Reynolds

Please! No Need to Apologize!

The expression of feelings comes easily for some people and almost impossible for others. But one involuntary symptom of feeling is crying. Sometimes we can control it, but as we all have experienced, at other times the tears just come without warning!

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Talk Therapy Cindy Reynolds Talk Therapy Cindy Reynolds

Find your greatness

I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel very great very often. In fact, I don’t know if I ever feel “great.” Yet, I know I should recognize and acknowledge the “great” things about me. We all should learn to acknowledge those things in us that make us who we are, but it’s hard to see the value in them sometimes.

Are we even aware of them? How do we find them? Everyone else seems to be smart, organized, caring or funny.

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Talk Therapy Cindy Reynolds Talk Therapy Cindy Reynolds

The Privilege of being a Therapist

We all know, in years past there has been a stigmas attached to mental health issues and admitting that you go to therapy. Fortunately, this is being dispelled by today’s younger generations, thanks in part, to social media. In past years, I have even been hesitant to talk about my job, based on my own preconceived notions of what someone might think about me. More recently though, I have responded directly when I correct them at the doctor’s office for example, “I am a psychotherapist, not a physical therapist.” It happens all the time! Is it that you think no one could actually be a PSYCHOtherapist? Surely, you mean, physical?

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